Anyhow. I got myself all prettied-up and drove over to Kaibara for the aki matsuri or fall festival. There was food and fun. I had an okonomiyaki (a sweet pancake-omelet type deal) and then bumped into some Kaibara ALTs and their Japanese friends and watched a taiko drum performance and then the procession.

Taiko performance. They were really good.


Messengers in the procession. Ah, the days before e-mail were tough, weren't they?
I met some volunteer Japanese teachers and bought a little messenger bag that I sorely needed from a woman and her husband that had worked in Bangladesh for 25 years and got to practice my Japanese a bit.
I also picked up some cosmos flowers to throw into my yard. I need to pull out more of the crab grass. Everything else, while a bit weedy, actually produces some neat little flowers.
Some of us headed to Miwakare Park (水分れ), where mountain runoff is directed to the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean and played some frisbee. Then it was off to dinner and some second-hand shops for some deliciously cheap manga (Kaze Hikaru and Slayers).
It was a nice three day weekend and I'm looking forward to the week ahead.
Jos!!! It looks amazing there. Thanks for the pics to help me visualize it all. :)
Everything look so pristine, perfect, and trash-free there... is this actually the case?
Funny you mention that, Pat, because on that day I thought to myself,"hey, this is a lot nicer than France, where every street is covered in dog shit." It's pretty clean, though you can still find bottles strewn in fields and plastic bags and bottles in some of the streams. But generally, pretty clean.
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