We went to a cat cafe, where you pay a 1,050 yen to hang out with cats for an hour and enjoy a drink. You can doodle in guest books, flip through cat photography books, and do various other cat-related things.

The cats are friendly, but they won't come and sit in your lap. I mean, they're cats, right? What did you expect? This guy just sat on the bookshelf with his face in the corner.

I was unfortunate enough to be stuck in the doorway between the cafe and the cat room when the owners decided it was feeding time and suddenly I was in the middle of a cat stampede. Imagine that scene in LotR where Arwen rescues Frodo by summoning those river horses (no, not hippos, you know what I mean) to drown the Nazgul. Yeah, it was like that.
Altogether a good time. The longhairs were real friendly and it was great to watch the cats jump around and cause a little bit of mischief.
I think I'll have to check out the dog cafe sometime soon.
you're not kidding are you?! Cliff feels for the kitty in the corner feeling exploited like that
Maybe kitty was thinking, "#$@% here they are again, what do I do? I am not in the mood to be friends."
really? i coulda charged for that? we lost an opportunity here when we had three cats...
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