Three wishes:
1. Bird would give me a moment to grab my camera,
2. I had a camera that could handle more distance and I knew how to use it,
3. I had a decent guide to Japanese birds. The current one does not cut it.

Something is always in bloom in Hyogo.
Now the weather's back to being crummy, gloomy, rainy, and snowy.

I pass by this sign everyday that says キリストの再臨は近い! キリスト (kirisuto) and 近い(chikai, or "near") were the only two words I could read and I didn't know what kirisuto could be. It's in the katakana script, which is mostly reserved for foreign words. So for the longest time I thought the sign said something like "There is a crystal (kirisuto) shop nearby" or maybe "There is a crystal mine nearby". But about a month ago I was biking by it again and recognized the kanji 再, which sorta means "again" or "re-" and suddenly it all clicked!
First person to put it all together using only what's been written here gets Japanese sweet potato KitKats sent to them.
(Hint: kirisuto =/= crystal, の = 's (possessive))
"Christ has arisen?"
You're half-way there.
Church of Christ nearby?
Christian Church
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