0 practice sessions
2 days of Ultimate
7 games
7 losses
20th place
1 small bottle of sunblock
20 bottles of water
1 bucket of sweat and blood
ALTs from Tamba and Sasayama and friends and family made the journey to Tajima in northern Hyogo prefecture for a two-day Ultimate tournament this weekend. We never bothered to practice as a team before going. We didn't even throw a frisbee around. That did not deter us from getting out onto the pitch and having a good time.
Admittedly, I have been living a pretty inactive life for the past few months, so I was not well-prepared for running around. By the third game on Saturday my legs were nearly shot. By the fourth game my legs felt like over-stretched rubberbands. It was a bit overcast but it was still hot. I sweat buckets.
Still, we did well and continually increased our score in each game even though we were going up against teams of all sorts of abilities.
After the games we stopped by an onsen, set up the tents on the camp ground, and went to a bbq for dinner.
The second day was not too bad, but by the end I was as useful as some unuseful thing on the field.
Fun, but tiring.

Also, it appears that I forgot to publish a post back in March about my trip to Hiroshima. It's posted now, so please view it!